On May 28, 2013, the Boqueté Library collaborated with the American Embassy to give a presentation to a local little league baseball team. Twenty little league players and their coach, Sr. Ruben Vargas, visited the library to learn about how mathematics plays an important role in Baseball. Guest speaker, Chris Reyes from the United States Embassy in Panama, led the presentation with an interactive discussion. Sr. Reyes provided the little leaguers with official Major League Baseball (MLB) cards, with each card showing statistics on specific MLB players on the back. Mr. Reyes taught them the importance of what certain statistics meant. An example that was a hit with the children was a race on who could determine the earned run average (ERA) of the famous Panamanian MLB pitcher, Bruce Chen. Who knew that using mathematical formulas could be so fun! Baseballs were given to the little leaguers who came up with the correct answers first. Coach Sr. Ruben Vargas is an active member of the Boqueté community and coaches several little league teams in the Boqueté area. He reiterated to his team that baseball isn´t just playing but thinking and calculating. It was such a hit that he has expressed interest in providing these charlas with all of his teams in the Boqueté Library.
El pasado 8 de mayo del presente, tuvimos la agradable visita del Dr. Stanley Heckadon en nuestras instalaciones. El Dr. Stanley, investigador y escritor panameño, nacido en Chiriquí, ha donado parte de su colección a la Biblioteca de Boquete. Dicha colección contiene documentos históricos singulares, notas de campo, fotos, estudios, libros, que reflejan su interés constante en la historia, la ecología y la cultura de América Central y América del Sur, además parte de su colección familiar. En esta visita lo acompañaba nuestra gran escritora chiricana, Milagros Sánchez quien también hizo el recorrido por nuestras instalaciones, junto con algunos de los miembros de la Junta Directiva. Actualmente estamos recibiendo la colección, parte de la misma está disponible para nuestros usuarios, para mayor información consulte en nuestra recepción. Agradecemos infinitamente tan agradable visita y esperamos su regreso muy pronto.
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