On April 26, 2013, in celebration of National Arbor Day in the United States, 30 students from 7 area schools visited the library to learn about the important role trees play in creating and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The presentation started with the reading of the story El Gran Capoquero (The Great Kapok Tree) by Lynne Cherry. This was followed by a presentation from guest speaker, Sra. Kate Skarsten from the United States Embassy, Panama. Sra. Skarsten led an interactive discussion in which students learned about the history of Arbor Day, the structure and life cycle of trees, and the reasons trees are important in the Boquete community. The students, ranging in age from 7 – 17, are the environmental monitors representing their schools: Academia Internacional de Boquete, Instituto Guadalupano, Pio XII, Buen Pastor, Octavio Lopez Pascal, Alto Boquete and Palo Alto. This select group of students works with the local recycling group in town, ReAL Boquete (www.realboquete.com) to learn ways to help preserve the environment. After attending the presentation, students and teachers were encouraged to return to their schools and share what they learned. All students from the representative schools were invited to participate in the ReAL Boquete contest in which students create a comic strip or poster with the theme “Trees Are Important and Need Our Care!” All entries will be displayed in the library and winning entries will be posted on Facebook. Following the presentation, students put into practice their new knowledge by helping to plant trees and shrubs around the new library. Situated on the road to town, students can take pride in the part they played to make the library beautiful and help preserve the environment. Felicidades a los GANADORES del 2013 Concurso: Dia del Arbol
“Los Arboles son Increibles y Necesitan Nuestro Cuidado”
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El pasado 11 de abril, se celebró con éxito la presentación del concierto “Acordión Viajero” presentado por la joven cantante francesa Marion Sila, quien nos deleitó con variadas interpretaciones musicales, y su inseparable acordeón musical. Luego de un recorrido por todo Centroamérica y varios lugares en nuestro país, la joven Marion, culmina su gira musical en nuestra provincia Chiricana. Damos las gracias a doña Carmen Paniza de Jaén, quien a través del apoyo de la Alianza Francesa, hizo posible este enlace para la presentación de tan prestigiosa cantante en nuestra biblioteca. Gracias a todas las personas que nos apoyaron para la realización del mismo y en especial a los invitados que nos acompañaron en éste concierto y pudieron disfrutar las interpretaciones musicales de la joven y talentosa francesa. Este evento contó con la participación de más de 50 personas. |
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